Title: Finite-element software for electrical and electronics industries
Authors: John R. Brauer, Bruce E. MacNeal
Addresses: The MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation, Engineering/Electromagnetics Applications Department, 4300 W. Brown Deer Road, Milwaukee, WI 53223, USA. ' The MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation, Engineering/Electromagnetics Applications Department, 4300 W. Brown Deer Road, Milwaukee, WI 53223, USA
Abstract: This paper shows the usefulness of three-dimensional electromagnetic finite-element software based on the magnetic vector potential and the time integrated electric scalar potential. Both potentials are used to analyse a wide range of electrical and electronics products. Example applications of the software include transformers, bus bars, transistor circuits exciting electromagnetic fields, microwave cavities and waveguides, and antennas.
Keywords: electrical industry; electronics industry; finite element software; industrial applications; magnetic vector potential; time integrated electric scalar potential; finite element method; FEM.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.1992.062597
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 1992 Vol.5 No.2/3/4, pp.127 - 133
Published online: 10 Jun 2014 *
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