Title: Transmission technology: signals for the next century

Authors: Hans Baur

Addresses: Head of the Telecommunication Networks and Security Systems Group, Siemens AG, Munich, West Germany

Abstract: Transmission technology is on the threshold of a new era: bit rates are rapidly increasing, and network structures are becoming more flexible and economic. Driving this evolutionary process are accelerating innovation cycles in microelectronics and advances in digital transmission technology and fibre optics. This article examines these events in the context of market forces.

Keywords: bit rates; computer-aided network management; digital radio relay; future prospects; market forces; satellite communications; telecommunication networks; transmission technology; fibre optics; microelectronics; digital transmission.

DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.1990.062713

International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 1990 Vol.3 No.4, pp.209 - 213

Published online: 11 Jun 2014 *

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