Title: A trust-based AODV routing protocol for improved QoS in mobile ad-hoc networks
Authors: A. Pravin Renold; S. Geethanjali
Addresses: Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Network Lab, TIFAC-CORE in Pervasive Computing Technologies, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai-600066, India ' Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Network Lab, TIFAC-CORE in Pervasive Computing Technologies, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai-600066, India
Abstract: In mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), nodes (mobile devices) are located in a self organised way without any infrastructure forming a temporary network. Each node in a MANET moves independently in any direction, thus the network's topology change rapidly in an unpredictable manner. Wireless nodes try to communicate to the destination using the intermediate nodes. In such situation, MANET is vulnerable to both internal and external attacks caused by malicious nodes present in the network. In this paper we implement an approach based upon trust to provide security to ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) protocol, which helps AODV to detect the compromised nodes. This proposed approach is able to detect the compromised nodes and isolates it from the network. The reliability of the trusted AODV routing protocol is evaluated by implementing black hole attack and the performance is calculated in terms of metrics like packet delivery ratio, throughput and average packet drop. The proposed model increases the packet delivery ratio, throughput and results in reduced packet drop. The evaluation of trusted AODV with black hole attack has been done with the help of QualNet 5.0 simulator.
Keywords: mobile ad-hoc networks; MANETs; trust management; black hole attacks; quality of service; QoS; QualNet; AODV routing protocol; ad hoc on-demand distance vector; network security; packet delivery ratio; throughput; average packet drop.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTMCC.2014.063270
International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications, 2014 Vol.2 No.1, pp.7 - 21
Received: 30 Sep 2012
Accepted: 31 Mar 2013
Published online: 26 Jul 2014 *