Title: Designing the future for the US Department of Energy's national laboratories

Authors: William A. Drago

Addresses: College of Business and Economics, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, Whitewater, Wisconsin 53190, USA

Abstract: The US Department of Energy|s (DOE) laboratories play a critical role in maintaining the innovative leadership of the US in the world arena. This article discusses the role of DOE|s Federal labs and the role of Federal labs in general in effecting US innovativeness. In addition, problems which have recently surfaced concerning DOE|s management of these labs are presented. Suggestions for improvement for DOE|s Federal labs are provided, and include: separation from the DOE; development of a governing board; stronger and more consistent focus; professional CEO; a corporate matrix staff structure.

Keywords: governance; innovation; US national laboratories; organisational structure; partnerships; US Department of Energy; USA; United States; DOE laboratories; energy technology.

DOI: 10.1504/IJGEI.1997.063322

International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 1997 Vol.9 No.1/2, pp.29-38

Published online: 10 Jul 2014 *

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