Title: The evolution of R&D networking in the biotech industries
Authors: Andreas Pyka, Paolo Saviotti
Addresses: University of Augsburg, Economics Institute, Universitaetsstr. 16, D-86135 Augsburg, Denmark. ' INRA-SERD, Universite Pieres Mendes France, BP 47, F-38040 Grenoble Cedex 9, and CNRS-IDEFI, 250 rue A. Einstein, Sophia-Antipolis, F-06560 Valbonne, France
Abstract: The paper deals with the evolution of R&D networks in the biopharmaceutical industries. For this purpose, an agent-based-computational model towards evolutionary economics is developed which is able to generate results which closely correspond to developments in the real world. With this approach, the permanent nature of R&D networks in the industrial organisation of innovation processes in this increasingly important industry as well as the coexistence of large diversified firms and dedicated biotechnology firms, can be explained.
Keywords: biotech industries; evolutionary economics; R&D networks; simulation; biopharmaceutical industries; research and development; agent-based systems; multi-agent systems; innovation networks; biotechnology; collaboration.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEIM.2005.006337
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 2005 Vol.5 No.1/2, pp.49 - 68
Published online: 22 Feb 2005 *
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