Title: Design and implementation of JXTA-based P2P mobile learning environment
Authors: R. Raj Kumar; N.Ch.S.N. Iyengar; Changpeng Ji
Addresses: School of Computing Science and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore 632014, India ' School of Computing Science and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore 632014, India ' School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, No. 188, Longwan South St., Huludao, Liaoning Province, 125105, China
Abstract: The unification of internet with wireless devices means that mobiles have become the most indispensable part of human life. This makes mobile devices a great platform to carry out mobile learning applications such as m-learn which enables students to request information through their mobile phones. The proposed Juxtapose (JXTA) enabled with Android (Peerdriod) connects and provides functionalities that enable students to gather information about the availability of lectures, live streaming of lectures, recorded audio and video tutorials, information about books in the library, visual aided directions inside the campus with mobile JXTA connecting to the university server. M-learn has enhanced interactivity and hence information management can be achieved that facilitates on-demand information retrieval in an educational environment. The enhanced study provides attractive generic infrastructures that rapidly define and implement m-learn in university and information services when compared to traditional classroom learning.
Keywords: Juxtapose; mobile JXTA; mobile learning; m-learning; peer-to-peer; P2P; relay peers; edge peers; Peerdroid; higher education; interactivity; information management; on-demand information retrieval.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCONVC.2014.063747
International Journal of Convergence Computing, 2014 Vol.1 No.2, pp.149 - 166
Received: 14 Oct 2013
Accepted: 08 Nov 2013
Published online: 30 Aug 2014 *