Title: Determinants of online trust and their impact on online purchase intention
Authors: Kaouther Kooli; Kaouther Ben Mansour; Rizky Utama
Addresses: Executive Business School, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth BH8 8EB, UK ' Institut des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Carthage Présidence 2016, Tunis, Tunisia ' Bank of Indonesia, Jalan MH Thamrin No 2, Jakarta, post code 10350, Indonesia
Abstract: Abundant literature has examined online trust. However the different approaches were scarcely integrated to address the determinants of online trust and their impacts on online purchase intention. An integrative approach to online trust is adopted in this paper. A survey is carried out on a sample of 401 online consumers in Indonesia. The findings show that purchase intention is significantly influenced by online trust. Besides, there is significant impact of personality-based trust (benevolence, integrity and credibility), cognitive-based trust (reputation and cost benefit calculation) and institutional-based trust (situation normality) on online trust.
Keywords: online trust; personality-based trust; cognitive-based trust; institutional-based trust; purchase intention; Indonesia; online shopping; benevolence; integrity; credibility; reputation; cost benefit; situation normality.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTMKT.2014.063858
International Journal of Technology Marketing, 2014 Vol.9 No.3, pp.305 - 319
Published online: 30 Aug 2014 *
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