Title: The current status of the Slovenian logistics outsourcing market, its ability and potential measures to improve the pursuit of global trends
Authors: Patricija Bajec; Marina Zanne
Addresses: Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transportation, University of Ljubljana, Pot Pomorščakov 4, Portorož, Slovenia ' Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transportation, University of Ljubljana, Pot Pomorščakov 4, Portorož, Slovenia
Abstract: Traditionally, logistics outsourcing was able to bring benefits to outsourcing partners, users and logistics providers. However, due to pressure from an increasingly global environment, user requirements have become ever more complex. Consequently, logistics providers have been forced to offer a higher level of logistics outsourcing while still providing lower cost and higher profit. Obviously, all logistics providers were not and still are not able to meet this challenge. As we wanted to know whether Slovenian logistics providers have been able to meet market challenges, a survey focused only on the Slovenian logistics market was performed. Research has shown that the current level of Slovenian logistics outsourcing is far below international standards. Therefore, we propose some suggestions within the scope of implementation methodology and building a trusted partnership in order to ease the providers' transition to the next level which would in turn ensure their existence and greater competitiveness.
Keywords: advanced logistics outsourcing; Slovenia; global outsourcing; knowledge development; strategic relationships.
DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2014.063979
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2014 Vol.18 No.4, pp.436 - 448
Published online: 30 Aug 2014 *
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