Title: Estimation of motor parameters for an electrical vehicle application
Authors: Aymen Flah; Martin Novák; Lassaad Sbita; Jaroslav Novák
Addresses: National School of Engineering of Gabes, Rue Omar ebn el Khattab, Zrig, 6029, Gabes, Tunisia ' Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Czech, Czech Technical University in Prague, Praha6, 16607, Czech Republic ' National School of Engineering of Gabes, Rue Omar ebn el Khattab, Zrig, 6029, Gabes, Tunisia ' Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Czech, Czech Technical University in Prague, Praha6, 16607, Czech Republic
Abstract: This paper deals with an online motor parameters estimation algorithm. The proposed estimator algorithm is implemented on an electrical vehicle prototype, in order to discern the influence of the speed variation on the motor parameters, such as stator resistance and inductance and on the magnet used in the rotor, especially at a high speed mode. The high speed running mode is extremely required in the traction and electrical vehicle application. This last mode induces problems related especially to the motor temperature rising. Hence, the temperature motor variation modifies the values of the motor parameters and specially, the stator resistance and the magnet flux. Therefore, this work is elaborated, to clarify this running mode and its impact on the motor behaviour. Two essential methods are applied in order to validate the obtained results. The software method is based on the model reference adaptive system (MRAS) technique and the hardware method used specific measurement materials. The obtained results are based on a real prototype and under a high speed mode, where the running speed can reach 32,000 rpm.
Keywords: high speed; MRAS estimator; experimental verification; electrical vehicles; parameter estimation; motor parameters; speed variation; stator resistance; inductance; motor temperature; magnet flux; model reference adaptive system.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMIC.2014.064290
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 2014 Vol.22 No.2, pp.150 - 158
Published online: 27 Sep 2014 *
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