Title: Exergy analysis of a two-stage refrigeration cycle using two natural substitutes of HCFC22
Authors: Ahmed Ouadha, Mohammed En-nacer, Lahouari Adjlout, Omar Imine
Addresses: Department of Marine Engineering, Faculty of Mechanic, University of Science and Technology at Oran, P.O. Box 1505 Oran El-M'naouar, 31000 Oran, Algeria. ' Department of Marine Engineering, Faculty of Mechanic, University of Science and Technology at Oran, P.O. Box 1505 Oran El-M'naouar, 31000 Oran, Algeria. ' Department of Marine Engineering, Faculty of Mechanic, University of Science and Technology at Oran, P.O. Box 1505 Oran El-M'naouar, 31000 Oran, Algeria. ' Department of Marine Engineering, Faculty of Mechanic, University of Science and Technology at Oran, P.O. Box 1505 Oran El-M'naouar, 31000 Oran, Algeria
Abstract: The aim of the present paper is to carry out a detailed exergy analysis of a two-stage vapour compression cycle by calculating its components exergetic losses. The exergy equations have been developed using refrigerant thermodynamic properties computed by means of a simple model of local equations of states. The results of the exergy analysis of a two-stage refrigeration system operating between a constant evaporating temperature of -30°C and condensation temperatures of 30, 40, 50 and 60°C with two natural substitutes of HCFC22, namely, propane (R290) and ammonia (R717) as working fluids, are presented. It is found that the most significant losses occur in the compressors, expansion valves and condenser. Furthermore, it is shown that the optimum inter-stage pressure for a two-stage refrigeration system is very close to the saturation pressure corresponding to the arithmetical mean of the refrigerant condensation and evaporation temperatures.
Keywords: ammonia; equations of state; exergy analysis; inter-stage pressure; natural refrigerants; propane; two-stage refrigerating cycle; vapour compression; condensation temperatures; evaporation temperatures; HCFC22.
International Journal of Exergy, 2005 Vol.2 No.1, pp.14 - 30
Published online: 08 Mar 2005 *
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