Title: Agronomic impact of earthworms, cow dung compost, vermicompost and chemical fertilisers on growth and yield of brinjal (Solanum melongena)

Authors: Sunita Agarwal; Jaya Sharma

Addresses: Department of Home Science, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, 302015, Rajasthan, India ' PG Department of Home Science, Alankar P.G. Girls College, Jaipur, 302020, Rajasthan, India

Abstract: The pot experiment was conducted to assess the impact of live earthworm + cattle dung (as feed), cow dung compost, vermicompost, chemical fertilisers and control (without fertiliser) on growth and yield of brinjal (S. melongena). Growth and yield parameters were significantly superior in the pots treated with live earthworms as compared to other fertiliser inputs at 5% level. The plant height was recorded 71.12 cm, maximum fruit weight 900 g, time taken in budding and flowering 32 and 39 days, consecutively and number of fruits 100 in live earthworm + cattle dung treated plants. Vermicompost treated plants followed the results. It was also an important observation that very mild disease appeared in plants treated with live earthworms as live earthworms are 'friend of farmer', which can improve soil fertility if present consistently in farm soil.

Keywords: earthworms; vermicomposting; cattle dung; plant growth; agronomy; chemical fertilisers; brinjal; Solanum melongena; cow dung compost.

DOI: 10.1504/IJEE.2014.064301

International Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2014 Vol.6 No.3, pp.249 - 260

Received: 19 Mar 2011
Accepted: 20 Jul 2012

Published online: 30 Aug 2014 *

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