Title: FISM for analysing the interrelationships between customer receptivity aspects
Authors: V.R. Pramod; D.K. Banwet
Addresses: Department of Mechanical Engineering, NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad-8, Kerala, 678008, India ' Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi 110016, India
Abstract: The major theme of this research is to model the customer receptivity aspects of a telecom service provider organisation based on their interrelationships. ISM brings into consideration of a system of directly and indirectly related elements, which maps the complex organisational issues. In this paper, ISM has been test implemented for customer receptivity aspects of a telecom service provider organisation. Qualitative criteria are often accompanied by ambiguities and vagueness. This makes fuzzy logic a more natural approach to this kind of modelling. Therefore, the same work has been precisely analysed by fuzzy logic. The results are supported with managerial implications and scope for further research.
Keywords: customer receptivity; interpretive structural modelling; FISM; fuzzy ISM; telcoms; telecommunications firms; India; fuzzy logic.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2014.064555
International Journal of Business Excellence, 2014 Vol.7 No.5, pp.549 - 564
Published online: 06 Sep 2014 *
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