Title: Carsharing with electric vehicles in the context of users' mobility needs - results from user-centred research from the BeMobility field trial (Berlin)
Authors: Lisa Ruhrort; Josephine Steiner; Andreas Graff; Daniel Hinkeldein; Christian Hoffmann
Addresses: InnoZ – Innovationszentrum für Mobilität und gesellschaftlichen Wandel GmbH (Innovation Centre for Mobility and Societal Change) Torgauer Str. 12 – 15 (EUREF-Campus) 10829 Berlin, Germany ' InnoZ – Innovationszentrum für Mobilität und gesellschaftlichen Wandel GmbH (Innovation Centre for Mobility and Societal Change) Torgauer Str. 12 – 15 (EUREF-Campus) 10829 Berlin, Germany ' InnoZ – Innovationszentrum für Mobilität und gesellschaftlichen Wandel GmbH (Innovation Centre for Mobility and Societal Change) Torgauer Str. 12 – 15 (EUREF-Campus) 10829 Berlin, Germany ' InnoZ – Innovationszentrum für Mobilität und gesellschaftlichen Wandel GmbH (Innovation Centre for Mobility and Societal Change) Torgauer Str. 12 – 15 (EUREF-Campus) 10829 Berlin, Germany ' InnoZ – Innovationszentrum für Mobilität und gesellschaftlichen Wandel GmbH (Innovation Centre for Mobility and Societal Change) Torgauer Str. 12 – 15 (EUREF-Campus) 10829 Berlin, Germany
Abstract: Both carsharing and the battery electric vehicle (BEV) are innovations central to the discourse on the future development of urban mobility. Here, we investigate the potential of carsharing with BEVs as part of an integrated mobility system with a focus on user acceptance. Drawing on selected results from the project 'BeMobility - Berlin elektromobil', the aim is to provide insights on two main questions: 1) Are BEVs suitable for carsharing?; 2) What are the target groups for carsharing as a part of an integrated mobility system? The former is addressed from the users' point of view in terms of suitability of BEVs for typical use patterns, satisfaction with e-carsharing and aspects of usability. To answer the second question, the article draws on results from the project regarding motives, attitude profiles and mobility needs of current users of e-carsharing and combines them with an attitude-based typology of transport users resulting from a representative study in German agglomerations.
Keywords: electric carsharing; e-carsharing; free-floating carsharing; battery electric vehicles; BEVs; urban transport; user perspectives; sustainable mobility; target groups; user acceptance; mobility behaviour; modal shift; integrated e-mobility services; ieMS; car sharing; Berlin; Germany; sustainability; sustainable development.
DOI: 10.1504/IJATM.2014.065294
International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 2014 Vol.14 No.3/4, pp.286 - 305
Published online: 31 Oct 2014 *
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