Title: A new annotation system based on a semantic analysis of a learner's annotative activity to invoke web services
Authors: Anis Kalboussi; Omar Mazhoud; Nizar Omheni; Ahmed Hadj Kacem
Addresses: ReDCAD Research Laboratory, Sfax, Tunisia; Higher Institute of Computer Science and Management, Kairouan University, Khmaïs Alouini, 3100 Kairouan, Tunisia ' ReDCAD Research Laboratory, Sfax, Tunisia; Higher Institute of Computer Science and Management, Kairouan University, Khmaïs Alouini, 3100 Kairouan, Tunisia ' ReDCAD Research Laboratory, Sfax, Tunisia; Higher Institute of Computer Science and Management, Kairouan University, Khmaïs Alouini, 3100 Kairouan, Tunisia ' ReDCAD Research Laboratory, Sfax, Tunisia; Faculty of Economics and Management, Sfax University, Airport Road Km 4, 3018 Sfax, Tunisia
Abstract: Many annotation systems proposed in the literature suffer from an under-exploitation of the annotation's semantic at the level of the assistance presented to the learner during annotative activity. Thus, these tools offer the same classic features to its users, such as management, search, sharing and storage of annotations. In this paper, we propose a new annotation system which differs in its novel features. The system tries to assist the learner via web services during learning activities. Therefore, from a user's annotation, our system is able to interpret a goal implicitly expressed and tries to discover and invoke a web service that can meet this annotation's objective. This system is based on an annotation model composed of an ontology and pattern annotation. This enrichment will provide advantages for both the provider, who will find his service within the consumer's reach, and the learner, who will have at his disposal an intelligent annotation tool.
Keywords: annotation systems; metadata; annotative activity; web services; ontology; pattern annotation; learner assistance; annotative activity; semantic analysis; learning activities; intelligent annotation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMSO.2014.065447
International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 2014 Vol.9 No.4, pp.350 - 370
Received: 02 Nov 2013
Accepted: 06 Apr 2014
Published online: 24 Oct 2014 *