Title: Exergy evaluation of emitted waste gas and fuel consumption in food delivery process
Authors: Masoud Behzad; Hyojeong Choi; Heetae Kim; Claudio Tenreiro
Addresses: Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, Republic of Korea ' Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, Republic of Korea ' Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, Republic of Korea ' Faculty of Engineering, University of Talca, 2 Norte 685, Talca, Chile
Abstract: Food delivery from restaurants and fast food shops by motorbikes is one of the major modes of its distribution. We aim to investigate the environmental impact of food delivery process by motorbikes. The environmental impact was described from the viewpoint of waste gas emission and emission exergy. A university campus was selected as the test site. We extracted the number of food delivery, average fuel consumption and driving distance per motorbike by collecting data from restaurants. We did an experiment to find how much fuel is consumed if a driver does idling during delivery. The experiment gives us 20.8 ± 8.3 ml for 5 min idling. In cruising state there is a high value of CO2 emission (~90% of total waste per year) into the environment mainly in September and December, although from exergy analysis CO contributes more to the exergy emission than CO2 in most cases.
Keywords: emission factors; exergy analysis; food delivery; fuel consumption; engine idling; motorbikes; motorcycles; waste gas emisisons; vehicle emissions; environmental impact; air pollution; CO2; carbon dioxide; carbon emissions.
International Journal of Exergy, 2014 Vol.15 No.3, pp.382 - 393
Received: 26 Feb 2013
Accepted: 16 Sep 2013
Published online: 30 Apr 2015 *