Title: System of systems engineering and enterprise architecture: implications for governance of complex systems
Authors: Dave Walters; Satya Moorthy; Bry Carter
Addresses: Department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529, USA ' Department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529, USA ' Department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529, USA
Abstract: This paper explores the contributions from integrating system of systems engineering (SoSE) and enterprise architecture (EA) to enhance governance of complex systems. In exploration, this paper seeks to achieve three primary objectives. First, the nature of the complex environment facing modern enterprises is examined. Second, the role, contributions, and limitations of SoSE in more effectively addressing the integration and coordination necessary for the system to act as a unity environment are examined. Third, the potential contributions of EA to support the technical articulation for the information flows supporting the communication and control structure essential to the operation of a complex system are examined. Finally, the intersection of SoSE and EA is examined as an acceleration of the capabilities for enhanced governance of complex systems. The paper concludes with several critical directions for using SoSE and EA to expand governance capabilities.
Keywords: system of systems; SOS; system of systems engineering; SoSE; enterprise architecture; complex systems; systems governance; governance capabilities.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSSE.2014.065755
International Journal of System of Systems Engineering, 2014 Vol.5 No.3, pp.248 - 262
Received: 08 Aug 2014
Accepted: 28 Aug 2014
Published online: 27 Nov 2014 *