Title: An extended active access-point selection algorithm for link speed changes in wireless mesh networks
Authors: Chang Choon Chew; Nobuo Funabiki; Wataru Maruyama; Sho Fujita
Addresses: Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan ' Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan ' Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan ' Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan
Abstract: As an inexpensive, scalable internet-access network, a wireless internet-access mesh network (WIMNET) is composed of multiple access-points (APs) connected by wireless links. WIMNET can improve the dependability to link or AP failures by allocating APs redundantly in the network field. Because redundant APs may increase the operational cost and degrade the performance due to increasing radio interferences, only the necessary APs for communications between the hosts and the internet gateway should be activated in conventional situations. Previously, we proposed an active AP selection algorithm to select the minimum number of APs to be activated such that the overall throughput is maximised, assuming that every link has the same constant speed. However, our preliminary experiments for the emerging high-speed IEEE802.11n protocol that should be introduced into WIMNET, found that this speed is greatly affected by the link environment such as the distance. In this paper, we present an extension of the active AP selection algorithm to efficiently select active APs under link speed changes. Besides, we extend the routing tree algorithm used in the algorithm procedure and the WIMNET simulator for throughput evaluations. We verify the effectiveness through extensive simulations in three instances.
Keywords: wireless mesh networks; WMNs; routing tree; active access point selection; link speed changes; IEEE 802.11n; internet access mesh networks.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSSC.2014.066037
International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing, 2014 Vol.4 No.3/4, pp.184 - 193
Received: 30 Aug 2013
Accepted: 20 Jul 2014
Published online: 20 Dec 2014 *