Title: How to measure and build intra- and inter-organisational trust
Authors: Steven A. Gedeon
Addresses: Entrepreneurship and Strategy Department, Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University, 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5B 2K3, Canada
Abstract: If intra- and inter- organisational trust is truly important then it must be measured and managed to build sustainable competitive advantage. The framework for trust management (FTM) integrates the theory of planned behaviour as a model for organisational change with the integrative model of organisational trust and the interdisciplinary model of trust constructs. Following an action research agenda, the framework is designed as a practical tool and addresses several known limitations of prior research: it addresses multi-level analysis issues, resolves the unidirectional limitations of prior models, recognises that trust building is a dynamic process, and provides a guide to action so that management may intervene when trust violations occur. A trust management inventory scale is developed and practical application of the framework is discussed.
Keywords: trust measures; trust inventory scale; survey; theory of planned behaviour; TPB; trustworthiness; institutional trust; intention; reciprocity; entrepreneurship; intra-organisational trust; inter-organisational trust; action research; trust management; organisational change; trust building.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2015 Vol.14 No.1, pp.122 - 142
Published online: 21 Jan 2015 *
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