Title: The acceptance of ''self-service'' technology in the Egyptian telecom industry
Authors: Sandy A. Salib, Khaled Wahba
Addresses: HR Department, MobiNil 1191, Corniche El Nil – WTC, Cairo, Egypt. ' Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering, Systems and Biomedical Engineering, Department, 11a Hassan Sabri, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: This paper extends Davis| Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and explains how perceived usefulness (PU), and perceived ease of use (PEOU) can influence the Egyptian consumer in term of intention and actual use of ||Self-Service|| technology. The study tested TAM successfully in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and research findings indicated promising responses from Egyptian consumers especially towards internet self-service. Telecom players in the Arab Republic of Egypt should further test the feasibility of developing such an application in order to make sound investment decisions. The paper contains examples of current preliminary initiatives made by MobiNil (First Egyptian Telecom Operator) and Vodafone Egypt (Second Egyptian Telecom Operator) as well as conclusions based on survey findings, to reflect on the potential of self-service tools, especially internet-based applications, in the context of this industry.
Keywords: technology acceptance model; self-service technology; IVR; interactive voice response; internet; traditional customer service; Egypt; telecommunications; perceived ease of use; perceived usefulness; perceived trust; technology-based applications; internet self-service.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2005 Vol.31 No.1/2, pp.20 - 38
Published online: 30 Mar 2005 *
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