Title: Environmental sustainability, sustainable livelihood and poverty reduction: the case for tribal agricultural technology
Authors: Ramya Ranjan Patel
Addresses: Dyal Singh (E) College, University of Delhi, Lodi Road, New Delhi, 110067, India
Abstract: Environmental degradation is very closely associated with economic growth, which leads to the popular concept of sustainable development. The idea of sustainable development also has a component of damage to the environment, though it is minimum. However, there is one thing that has the potential of promoting development along with poverty reduction with the true spirit of the idea of sustainability, without any damage to environment: tribal agricultural technology and practice. Their agriculture technology and practice is mostly organic and sustainable in nature because of non-use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides. The tribal agricultural technology along with proper marketing facilities of the tribal produce could remove poverty, food insecurity and achieve overall development of the tribals, without any damage to environment. It is because nobody loves nature, the forests, and the land more than the indigenous people.
Keywords: environmental sustainability; sustainable development; organic cultivation; tribal agriculture; traditional agriculture; food security; gender equality; Odisha; India; sustainable livelihoods; poverty reduction; agricultural technology; marketing facilities; tribal produce; indigenous peoples.
DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2014.066659
International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 2014 Vol.8 No.4, pp.334 - 345
Published online: 31 Dec 2014 *
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