Title: Contemporary challenges in CRM technology adoption: a multichannel view
Authors: Preety Awasthi; Neeraj Dubey; Purnima S. Sangle
Addresses: National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai 400087, India ' National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai 400087, India ' National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai 400087, India
Abstract: The importance of multichannel Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is gaining interest due to the increasing demands of customer and their changing preferences. The challenges also have changed due to the technological developments. This study was conducted to identify the technological challenges influencing CRM adoption in multichannel environment. It mainly identifies the contemporary challenges of multichannel CRM implementation. In-depth case analysis and interviews of implementation experts were used in analysing the implementation of a leading financial services organisation. The study found that the key issues impacting multichannel CRM implementation fall into two categories: classical and contemporary challenges. The challenges kept in classical category are those which exist from the initial stage of CRM adoption and when left unattended, affect the further addition of channels for CRM purposes. The contemporary challenges are reflected primarily when there are multiple channels provided to the customers for various services. The findings of this study would assist the formulations of a road map for pre-preparation, selection and adoption of technological solutions for extending CRM services on multiple channels.
Keywords: CRM technology; technology adoption; customer relationship management; multichannel CRM; CRM adoption; integration; data quality; channel conflict; channel integration; data steward; process orchestration; cross channel collaboration.
DOI: 10.1504/IJECRM.2014.066882
International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management, 2014 Vol.8 No.1/2/3, pp.51 - 71
Received: 19 Mar 2014
Accepted: 19 Sep 2014
Published online: 29 Apr 2015 *