Title: Metrics to measure the technology transfer absorption: analysis of the relationship between institutes and adopters in northern Italy
Authors: Mario Coccia
Addresses: National Research Council of Italy, Ceris, via Avogadro n. 8, 10121 Turin, Italy
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyse the technology transfer between public research institutes and users, in particular to measure the absorption intensity of technology within a regional system of innovation. This research uses data from the balance sheets (e.g. turnover, etc.) of the Institutes located in the Northwest of Italy (1996–1998 period). The descriptive analysis shows that private adopters (e.g. firms and individual entrepreneurs) absorb technologies from institutes belonging to the technological field because they can be used for industrial purposes. On the contrary, public adopters (Institutions, EU, government bodies, etc.) absorb technologies and knowledge from Institutes of other fields (economics, physics, geology, etc.) because these can be used in order to solve social problems (economic policy, reduction of pollution, etc.). These technology transfer absorption indices show that public users have a higher intensity of technological absorption than private receptors (firms, etc.). The conclusive part of this paper displays lessons learned, policy and management implications.
Keywords: absorption indices; adopter; receptor subjects; technology transfer; users; Italy; public research institutes; absorption measurement; innovation; knowledge transfer; technological absorption.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTTC.2005.006699
International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, 2005 Vol.4 No.4, pp.462 - 486
Published online: 01 Apr 2005 *
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