Title: Enhancing the performance of texture-based face recognition through multi-resolution techniques
Authors: K. Meena; A. Suruliandi; R. Reena Rose
Addresses: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, V. V College of Engineering, 628702, Tamil Nadu, India ' Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India ' Department of Computer Applications, St. Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, St. Xavier's College Rd, Tamil Nadu, India
Abstract: Automatic face recognition is an emerging active research area spanning several disciplines such as image processing, computer vision and pattern recognition. Face recognition is a challenging problem because of diversity in faces and variations caused by expressions, illuminations, pose, occlusion, aging and so on. In this paper, multi-resolution techniques are combined with texture features to mitigate the effect of facial variations. Multi-resolution techniques investigated in this paper are discrete wavelet transform (DWT), ridgelet, curvelet and contourlet. Texture features are extracted from these transforms by using local binary pattern (LBP), local texture pattern (LTP), local derivative pattern (LDP), local tetra patterns (LTrPs) and local derivative ternary pattern (LDTP). The proposed method is tested on JAFFE, ORL, Yale, Essex and Georgia Tech databases containing more than 4,000 face images. From the results, it is observed that, the combined approach of multi-resolution techniques with texture features enhances the face recognition rate. In particular, contourlet transform with LDTP perform better than the other techniques considered for investigation.
Keywords: biometrics; face recognition; texture analysis; texture features; multi-resolution analysis; G-statistics; k-nearest neighbour; facial variations; discrete wavelet transform; DWT; ridgelet transform; curvelet transform; contourlet transform.
International Journal of Biometrics, 2014 Vol.6 No.4, pp.363 - 386
Received: 11 Dec 2013
Accepted: 08 Sep 2014
Published online: 07 Feb 2015 *