Title: The influence of muscle action on joint loading during dynamic finger pressing tasks in an open-source modelling environment
Authors: Alexander R. MacIntosh; Nicolas Vignais; David M. Cocchiarella; Aaron M. Kociolek; Peter J. Keir
Addresses: McMaster Occupational Biomechanics Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology, McMaster University, L8S 4K1, Hamilton, ON, Canada ' McMaster Occupational Biomechanics Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology, McMaster University, L8S 4K1, Hamilton, ON, Canada ' McMaster Occupational Biomechanics Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada ' McMaster Occupational Biomechanics Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada ' McMaster Occupational Biomechanics Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada
Abstract: Assessing finger joint loading is essential to the prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders of the hand and fingers. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of muscle action on joint loading during dynamic finger pressing tasks using an open-source musculoskeletal modelling platform. Eight participants performed submaximal dynamic index finger pressing tasks while maintaining a nominal vertical target force of 10 N. Kinematic and force data were used to develop and assess an inverse dynamics link segment model and a musculoskeletal model. Although musculoskeletal model results for metacarpophalangeal joint compression evaluated statically (34.92 ± 1.53 N) and dynamically (34.80 ± 4.40 N) did not differ, changes in anterior-posterior shear and compression throughout the motions identify where the current open-source model is able to provide valuable insight into the assessment of risk of developing MSD during sub-maximally loaded dynamic pressing tasks.
Keywords: finger pressing; joint force; joint moment; musculoskeletal disorders; MSD risk; inverse dynamics; submaximal loading; simulation; open source modelling; muscle action; joint loading; finger joints; kinematics; metacarpophalangeal joint compression; anterior-posterior shear; anterior-posterior compression.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHFMS.2014.067165
International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation, 2014 Vol.4 No.3/4, pp.162 - 176
Received: 22 Oct 2013
Accepted: 24 Apr 2014
Published online: 07 Feb 2015 *