Title: Using knowledge visualisation techniques to support the development of curriculum for employability: exploring the capability tree representation
Authors: Philippe Vande Wiele; Vincent Ribière
Addresses: Business School, Bahrain Polytechnic, Kingdom of Bahrain; Bangkok University, Thailand ' IKI-SEA, School of Business, Bangkok, Thailand
Abstract: 'Employability' has enjoyed attention in the literature over the last 10-15 years, yet, developing timely and efficient quality control mechanisms in this context is a challenge for institutions of higher education (Stoker, 2012). Embedding the concept of employability in the curriculum affects the three key areas that make up Biggs's (2003) constructive alignment of curriculum design: outcomes, assessment, and delivery. In this paper, 'employability' and its relation to curriculum are explored by means of a short literature review. We will identify limitations of current practices to enhance curricula for employability and the use of knowledge visualisation for curriculum development. Finally this paper will present in a theoretical and exploratory manner, how the visualisation technique 'capability tree' can be used to support curriculum development for employability by tackling current shortcomings. This paper is a starting point for further exploration of the use of visualisation in curriculum development for employability.
Keywords: curriculum development; employability; knowledge visualisation; information visualisation; higher education; capability tree representation.
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 2014 Vol.9 No.1/2, pp.43 - 62
Received: 04 May 2013
Accepted: 16 Jun 2014
Published online: 31 Jan 2015 *