Title: A double-loop learning system for knowledge transfer and reuse in groups: application of a roadmapping approach
Authors: Philippe Rauffet; Catherine Da Cunha; Alain Bernard
Addresses: Université Bretagne-Sud, Lab-STICC UMR CNRS 6285, Lorient 56100, France ' LUNAM Université, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, IRCCyN UMR CNRS 6597, Nantes 44000, France ' LUNAM Université, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, IRCCyN UMR CNRS 6597, Nantes 44000, France
Abstract: This paper studies the problems of knowledge transfer and operational reuse in distributed organisations. These issues can be summarised by the inherent contradiction between "detecting and boosting local innovation" (so that group learns from its entities) and "coding, standardising and transferring good practices and organisational capabilities" (so as group teaches its entities). This paper enlists theoretical mechanisms to solve this 'learner/teacher' duality. Then, an IT framework is proposed to manage and assess locally and globally this organisational learning, illustrated by its use in an automotive supplier group. Finally, new developments are made to make the learning system more sustainable.
Keywords: organisational learning; good practices; knowledge evaluation; knowledge lifecycle; maturity; knowledge transfer; knowledge reuse; roadmapping; operational reuse; distributed organisations; automotive suppliers; automobile industry; local innovation.
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 2014 Vol.9 No.1/2, pp.63 - 86
Received: 29 May 2013
Accepted: 16 Jun 2014
Published online: 31 Jan 2015 *