Title: Influence of cultural factors on knowledge sharing in medium-sized enterprises within transition economies
Authors: Narasimha Rao Vajjhala; Timothy Baghurst
Addresses: Computer Science Department, University of New York Tirana, Tirana, Albania ' School of Applied Health and Educational Psychology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, USA
Abstract: Knowledge sharing is subject to organisational and national cultural influences, but medium-sized firms often implement general knowledge-sharing models without considering cultural factors. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of cultural factors on knowledge-sharing activities in medium-sized enterprises in transition economies. The study was driven by the central research question: How do cultural factors influence employees' perceptions of knowledge-sharing initiatives in medium-sized enterprises in transition economies? Qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted with 20 managers working in ten medium-sized enterprises in Albania, which is a transition economy. Six themes revealed the influence of cultural factors on employees' perceptions of knowledge-sharing initiatives in medium-sized enterprises in transition economies. Specifically, national culture and organisational culture influence employee behaviour and participation in knowledge-sharing activities. Thus, it is critical organisational leaders of medium-sized firms in Albania consider the influence of these factors before implementing knowledge-sharing activities in firms.
Keywords: knowledge sharing; knowledge management; transition economies; national culture; organisational culture; small-and medium-sized enterprises; SMEs; cultural factors; Albania; employee behaviour; employee participation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJKMS.2014.067235
International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, 2014 Vol.5 No.3/4, pp.304 - 321
Received: 13 Dec 2013
Accepted: 09 Nov 2014
Published online: 14 Feb 2015 *