Title: Strategic orientations and international opportunity recognition and development in emerging country born globals: the moderating role of environmental dynamism
Authors: Anisur R. Faroque
Addresses: Department of Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand
Abstract: Despite substantial research on the positive relationship of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and market orientation (MO) with export performance, the true nature of the relationship yet remains unclear. In this study, we have rather shifted our attention from performance outcome of these orientations to entrepreneurial outcome of opportunity recognition and development. We hypothesised that both export EO and MO are positively related to international opportunity recognition and development and environmental dynamism positively moderates the relationship. The data collected from 647 Bangladeshi apparel born globals confirmed the direct relationship of both export EO and MO with international opportunity recognition and development. Environmental dynamism was found to moderate the relationship of opportunity with export MO but not with EO. This study adopts a dynamic capability perspective to conceptualise and operationalise international opportunity recognition and development.
Keywords: entrepreneurial orientation; market orientation; export performance; strategic orientations; born globals; emerging economies; environmental dynamism; Bangladesh; apparel industry; clothing industry; garment industry; international entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial outcomes; moderating role; opportunity recognition; opportunity development; dynamic capability; international opportunities.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2015.067258
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2015 Vol.24 No.2, pp.163 - 186
Published online: 02 Feb 2015 *
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