Title: Implementation of renewable energies in German energy economy
Authors: Joachim Nitsch, Wolfram Krewitt, Franz Trieb
Addresses: DLR – German Aerospace Centre, Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, Section System Analyses and Technology Assessment, Pfaffenwaldring 38–40, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany. ' DLR – German Aerospace Centre, Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, Section System Analyses and Technology Assessment, Pfaffenwaldring 38–40, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany. ' DLR – German Aerospace Centre, Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, Section System Analyses and Technology Assessment, Pfaffenwaldring 38–40, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Abstract: By means of a long-term scenario called ||Sustainability Scenario||, the perspectives of Renewable Energies (RES) and their integration in the energy supply system of Germany until 2050 have been investigated. Starting with the technological potentials of RES and their cost structures, it is discussed in what way a continuous growth of these technologies could be induced. The implications of a considerable RES contribution will also be described. The results show that RES are able to contribute with a share of about 50% to the primary energy consumption of 2050, which is about 40% lower than today because of enhanced efforts to use energy more efficiently. Beyond 2050, RES could in principle, meet the total energy demand of a country like Germany. Because of a considerable increase in energy prices foreseeable in the next decades, an enforced strategy of RES-introduction is not only ecologically profitable but also makes up an economically intelligent policy of precaution.
Keywords: renewable energy; Germany; energy consumption; energy economics; electricity generation; heat generation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJETP.2005.006742
International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy, 2005 Vol.3 No.1/2, pp.100 - 114
Published online: 05 Apr 2005 *
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