Title: Design and use of a Facebook 4 Urban Facelifts
Authors: Filomena Borriello; Paola Carone; Elvira Nicolini; Simona Panaro
Addresses: Department of Conservation of Architectural and Environmental Heritage, University of Naples Federico II, via Roma 402, 80132, Naples, Italy ' Department of Conservation of Architectural and Environmental Heritage, University of Naples Federico II, via Roma 402, 80132, Naples, Italy ' Department of Conservation of Architectural and Environmental Heritage, University of Naples Federico II, via Roma 402, 80132, Naples, Italy ' Department of Conservation of Architectural and Environmental Heritage, University of Naples Federico II, via Roma 402, 80132, Naples, Italy
Abstract: The renewal of the 'urban look' (Urban Facelift) could play a crucial role for the development of the whole city. This study will analyse the case of the Palermo port area, which is considered as the 'face' of the city. Sicily is indeed an island, and therefore, because of its natural and infrastructural features, the sea is still its main connection with the world. For this reason, urban renovation in the city of Palermo has begun first with its coastal area. The tested methodology combines future urban faces with the present-state evaluation criteria by involving different stakeholders. Then, the urban faces are associated with possible and suitable future scenarios. In this way, an Urban Facelift strategy can be designed.
Keywords: participation; pioneer cities; Facebook 4 Urban Facelifts; urban development; Sicily; Palermo; port cities; urban renovation; urban regeneration; urban faces; stakeholder involvement.
DOI: 10.1504/IJGENVI.2015.067484
International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 2015 Vol.14 No.1/2, pp.89 - 112
Published online: 15 Feb 2015 *
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