Title: Self-adaptive communication for collaborative mobile entities in ERCMS
Authors: Ismael Bouassida Rodriguez; Jerome Lacouture; Khalil Drira
Addresses: CNRS, LAAS, 7 Avenue du colonel Roche, F-31077 Toulouse, France; Univ de Toulouse, LAAS, F-31400 Toulouse, France ' IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier, 118 Route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse Cedex, France ' CNRS, LAAS, 7 Avenue du colonel Roche, F-31077 Toulouse, France; Univ de Toulouse, LAAS, F-31400 Toulouse, France
Abstract: Adaptation of communication is required for maintaining the connectivity and the quality of communication in group-wide collaborative activities. This becomes challenging to handle when considering mobile entities in a wireless environment, requiring responsiveness and availability of the communication system. We address these challenges in the context of the ROSACE project where mobile ground and flying robots have to collaborate with each other and with remote human and artificial actors to save and rescue in case of disasters such as forest fires. This paper aims to expose a communication component architecture allowing to manage a cooperative adaptation which is aware of the activity and resource context into pervasive environment. This allows providing the appropriate adaptation of the activity in response to evolutions of the activity requirements and the changes in relation with the communication resource constraints. In this paper, we present a simulation of a ROSACE use case. The results show how ROSACE entities collaborate to maintain the connectivity and to enhance the quality of communications.
Keywords: self-adaptation; self-adaptive communication; collaborative mobile entities; emergency response and crisis management systems; ERCMS; emergency management; mobile robots; flying robots; remote collaboration; forest fires; cooperative adaptation; simulation; connectivity; communications quality.
DOI: 10.1504/IJAACS.2015.067696
International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems, 2015 Vol.8 No.1, pp.1 - 22
Accepted: 17 Oct 2012
Published online: 21 Mar 2015 *