Title: A cybernetic framework to articulate the organisational complexity of users' interactions with the Jigsaw technique in an Open Sim standalone server
Authors: Nikolaos Pellas
Addresses: Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering, University of the Aegean, Konstantinoupoleos 2, Hermoupolis, Syros, Cyclades, PC: GR-84100, Greece
Abstract: The purpose of this study was the utilisation of an Open Sim standalone server in order to articulate and propose a theoretical cybernetic framework that delineated from the requirements of: a) the systemic organisational structure of a learning process through the viable system model (VSM); b) the exploratory collaborative knowledge construction according to the 'Jigsaw' learning technique for handling the interior organisational complexity of cyber entities' (avatars) interactions in this virtual world. The community empowerment may initially be amplified from the implementation of this cybernetic framework for enhancing the dynamic and interactive dimensions of users' (students and instructors) presence in Open Sim according to the processes of cohesion, coordination and organisational processing that are quite complex during their first introduction.
Keywords: cognitive structures; cyber entities; avatars; cybernetics; collaboration; innovation; learning process; Jigsaw; Open Sim; organisational complexity; viable system model; VSM; user interactions; standalone servers; collaborative knowledge; virtual world.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2015 Vol.17 No.3, pp.326 - 358
Published online: 18 Apr 2015 *
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