Title: Socio-economic status of Bodo people: a case study of the Udalguri District, Assam
Authors: Sri Sastri Ram Kachari; Shrabanti Maity
Addresses: Assam University, (A Central University), Silchar-788011, Assam, India ' Department of Economics, Assam University, (A Central University), Silchar-788011, Assam, India
Abstract: The study of socio-economic status is very much important to know in any caste and communities' economic development. The present article focuses on the socio-economic status of Bodo people in Udalguri district, Bodoland. The Bodo people are socially and economically very backward in comparison to other non-tribal peoples. The district of Udalguri is recently formed which is situated on the northern part of Brahmaputra valley (Assam). The present study is based on primary data. In this study, authors have used the most important determinants such as, per capita income, literacy rate, health and nutrition, sanitation, family size to assess the socio-economic status of the Bodo Community in Udalguri District, Assam.
Keywords: household income; literacy rate; health; nutrition; sanitation facilities; discrepancy index; socio-economic status; Bodo community; case study; India; per capita income; family size; Bodos; indigenous peoples.
DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2015.068498
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2015 Vol.10 No.3, pp.351 - 366
Received: 23 Aug 2013
Accepted: 06 Jan 2014
Published online: 30 Apr 2015 *