Title: Study of mechanical properties and computer simulation of composite materials reinforced by metal
Authors: Andrzej Wróbel; Marek Płaczek; Andrzej Buchacz; Michał Majzner
Addresses: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Engineering Processes Automation and Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Silesian University of Technology, Konarskiego 18A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland ' Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Engineering Processes Automation and Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Silesian University of Technology, Konarskiego 18A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland ' Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Engineering Processes Automation and Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Silesian University of Technology, Konarskiego 18A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland ' Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Engineering Processes Automation and Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Silesian University of Technology, Konarskiego 18A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Abstract: In the article, two methods for testing of composite materials reinforced by sheet metal were presented. The first method is based on computer simulation of stresses in the investigated objects. It was carried out in the graphical programme NX. The second method consists in measuring deformations using strain gauge bridges and comparative analysis was carried out. The obtained results show that both methods were applied correctly and the error reaches a few percent.
Keywords: composite materials; composites testing; strain gauge; simulation; mechanical properties; metal reinforced composites; sheet metal; stress; deformation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMPT.2015.068533
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 2015 Vol.50 No.3/4, pp.259 - 275
Received: 21 Aug 2013
Accepted: 05 Mar 2014
Published online: 05 Apr 2015 *