Title: Political and military action frame of the European Union in crises management
Authors: Corneliu Balta; Gheorghe Bica; Diana Nicoleta Rosioru
Addresses: Bd Alex Obregia nr 31 Bloc I.5 sc A Et 3 Apt 12, sector 4, cod 041728 Bucharest, Romania ' 13, Ion Ghica Str. Sector3, Bucharest zip code 030045, Romania ' Bd Alex Obregia nr 31 Bloc I.5 sc A Et 3 Apt 12, sector 4, cod 041728 Bucharest, Romania
Abstract: The European Union (EU) is one of the dynamic non-state players on the world scene in relation to the crises and conflicts management. As a result, it activates by voluntary conjecture of a hefty assortment of political and military roles for preventing and resolving the predicaments and clashes which can come about in the European space or adjoining its strategic neighbourhood. The EU develops several politics years which can be conveyed to what the Anglo-Saxons call 'soft security', perception which guides to political, economic and financial instruments of security and so, not properly to military instruments. These instruments play in the present, on the continent and all around the world, a vital role with reference to the capacity of the European Union to contribute to stability.
Keywords: European Union; soft security; external policy; military roles; diplomatic relations; political action; military action; crisis management; emergency management; conflict management; EU security; stability.
DOI: 10.1504/WREMSD.2015.068574
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 2015 Vol.11 No.2/3, pp.129 - 136
Published online: 06 Apr 2015 *
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