Title: Numerical simulations of bistatic sea echo spectrum in high frequency band
Authors: Huan He; Guangxue Wang; Yanfeng Han; Fangzhi Gen
Addresses: Air Force Early Warning Academy, Wuhan, China ' Air Force Early Warning Academy, Wuhan, China ' State Grid Tai'An Power Supply Company, Tai'An, China ' Air Force Early Warning Academy, Wuhan, China
Abstract: Numerical simulations of bistatic sea echo spectrum are helpful to the comprehension of interaction mechanism between radio waves of bistatic HF radar and ocean waves. Moreover, the simulated sea echo spectrum in line with the fact is of great significance for testing the validity and applicability of inversion algorithm. In this paper, numerical simulations of bistatic sea echo spectrum in high frequency band are conducted and the effects of wind speed, wind direction and bistatic angle are discussed. When the bistatic angle is fixed, the trends of bistatic sea echo spectrum under the influence of wind speed and wind direction are the same as those of mono-static sea echo spectrum. However, the integrable singularities resulting from electromagnetic coupling coefficient and the corresponding secondary peaks of bistatic sea echo spectrum vary with the bistatic angle. And the intensity and frequency distribution range of second-order spectrum decrease with the increasing bistatic angle.
Keywords: bistatic radar; high frequency band; numerical simulation; sea echo spectrum; ocean waves; wind speed; wind direction; bistatic angle; electromagnetic coupling coefficient.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWMC.2015.068628
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2015 Vol.8 No.2, pp.175 - 182
Received: 18 Jul 2014
Accepted: 28 Aug 2014
Published online: 07 Apr 2015 *