Title: Supporting changes in the Slovenian wood sector by introducing timber logistics centres
Authors: Tina Cvahte; Marjan Sternad; Darja Topolšek
Addresses: Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor, Mariborska cesta 7, SI-3000 Celje, Slovenia ' Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor, Mariborska cesta 7, SI-3000 Celje, Slovenia ' Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor, Mariborska cesta 7, SI-3000 Celje, Slovenia
Abstract: The paper focuses on the potential of introducing timber logistics centres in Slovenia as a starting point towards external integration of mostly smaller organisations in the Slovenian wood sector. Based on the country's potential for wood and timber production, this industry should be one of the strongest in the primary sector; however, experience from the last decade points to a decrease in activity. By offering the organisations in question the means of introducing new business models, a synergy can be achieved which can result in improved business operations in all participating organisations. The conducted research on organisations in the logging and wood product production industries demonstrates that an organisation's profile influences its interest in external integration into the timber logistics centre, while the wood and timber products it makes does not have such an influence. Additionally, findings show that younger and smaller organisations are more inclined and prepared to change their business models to incorporate external integration than larger, longer established organisations in the forestry industry.
Keywords: forestry industry; logging; wood products; timber production; logistics centres; external integration; clusters; small business; business models; Slovenia; small firms.
DOI: 10.1504/IJGSB.2015.069026
International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 2015 Vol.7 No.1, pp.73 - 91
Received: 02 Oct 2014
Accepted: 17 Dec 2014
Published online: 24 Apr 2015 *