Title: Counting the non-CO2 diversion of biogenic carbon: an improvement suggested for the UNFCCC methodology
Authors: Ijaz Ahmad; Ghulam Rasul Athar
Addresses: Applied Systems Analysis Division, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, P.O. Box 1114, Islamabad, Pakistan ' Applied Systems Analysis Division, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, P.O. Box 1114, Islamabad, Pakistan
Abstract: UNFCCC has developed a software to support non-Annex I parties for preparation of their national GHG inventories. This paper identifies a weakness in the software on double counting of some GHG emissions. Most of the biogenic activities, livestock, rice cultivation, use of biomass, etc. are carbon neutral. However, these activities emit CH4 and CO consuming atmospheric CO2. The UNFCCC software counts CH4 and CO emissions without adjusting the consumed CO2. GHG inventory of Pakistan was prepared for the year 2008 with the help of this software and guidelines of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The biogenic CH4 emissions, 34% of the 2008 GHG inventory, consumed 3.16 million tonnes of atmospheric carbon. The deduction of this carbon reduces the GHG inventory by 3.74%. This paper suggests improvements in the software to enhance the accuracy of GHG inventories.
Keywords: Pakistan; UNFCCC; climate change; double counting; GHG inventories; greenhouse gases; GHG emissions; carbon dioxide; CO2; carbon emissions; livestock; rice; biogenic carbon; CH4; methane emissions.
International Journal of Global Warming, 2015 Vol.7 No.3, pp.322 - 335
Received: 13 Feb 2013
Accepted: 28 Jul 2013
Published online: 14 May 2015 *