Title: The apple industry in Croatia: a value chain analysis approach
Authors: Ivan-Damir Anic, Mustafa Nusinovic
Addresses: Ekonomski Institut, Zagreb, Trg J.F. Kennedy-a 7, Zagreb 10 000, Croatia. ' Ekonomski Institut, Zagreb, Trg J.F. Kennedy-a 7, Zagreb 10 000, Croatia
Abstract: Paper explores the apple value chain performance in Croatia and defines conditions necessary to generate value added. The value chain concept was applied to a selected case, combined with SWOT analysis and FAO methodology in constructing the apple balance sheet. Available statistical data were combined with primary data obtained from interviews and a questionnaire. The findings of this paper indicate that the Croatian apple value chain is inefficient, with individually profitable actors, but overall it cannot be the real source of significant value added creation in actual circumstances, without profitable apple production. Investing in apple processing industries and infrastructure can increase value addition, feasible only if advanced technologies and equipment are utilised and high value products produced. For efficient domestic resource exploitation, a long-term programme must be undertaken systematically. Actors should engage in co-operative inter-firm arrangements, while the government should exercise a transparent and long-term agricultural policy.
Keywords: value chain analysis; competitive advantage; value addition; co-operation; development strategy; value chain performance; Croatia; apple industry; value added; apple processing; government policy; agricultural policy.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2005.006965
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2005 Vol.2 No.3, pp.211 - 225
Published online: 29 Apr 2005 *
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