Title: Using Kirznerian perspective of entrepreneurial opportunities to predict emergence of new ventures: a preliminary literature review
Authors: Benjamin Byarugaba; Benon C. Basheka; Theresa Moyo
Addresses: School of Business and Management, Uganda Technology and Management University, Uganda ' School of Business and Management, Uganda Technology and Management University, Uganda ' Department in the Master of Development, Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership, University of Limpopo, South Africa
Abstract: This preliminary theoretical paper seeks to set the stage for an empirical study to identify the critical determinants of new venture creation in Uganda using Kirznerian perspective of entrepreneurial opportunities framework. The lack of a developed theory in extant literature that provides comprehensive explanation of how new ventures emerge in the context of a developing country like Uganda justifies the reliance of Kirznerian analytical framework. The phenomenon of new venture emergence is important to the Ugandan economy as it provides young people with jobs necessary to avert the prevailing challenge of unemployment. A need for achievement plays a mediating role.
Keywords: Kirznerian perspective; new ventures; new venture creation; entrepreneurial alertness; information asymmetry; Uganda; entrepreneurial opportunities; literature review; entrepreneurship; developing countries; achievement.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2015.069689
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2015 Vol.25 No.3, pp.247 - 259
Received: 16 Jun 2014
Accepted: 12 Oct 2014
Published online: 29 May 2015 *