Title: Novel discoveries on relationship of the golden spiral and the Hetu and Lai's Taiji
Authors: Chen Zhaoxue
Addresses: School of Medical Instrument and Food Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, 200093, China
Abstract: In this paper, based on comparison and analysis between basic properties of the golden equiangular spiral and characteristics and distribution of various structural elements of the Hetu and Lai's Taiji, the matching schema of the Hetu and Lai's Taiji existed in ancient literature is improved and based on mining and analysing about the connotation in mathematics and Chinese medicine, a complete new interpretation is given, which reveals the close association among number distribution of the Hetu, basic geometric structures of the Lai's Taiji and the golden spiral. This paper provides an important inspiration on the origin and structure of the Taiji and Hetu researches. It is also of great significance and reference value for relationship research between the Hetu and Lai's Taiji as well as for the spiral-related exploration in Chinese medicine clinical practice. The Wuyin related laws implied in the improved schema presented in this article can provide inspiration for researches on TCM mechanism of human hearing and basic theory exploration of music therapy.
Keywords: traditional Chinese medicine; TCM; equiangular spiral; golden spiral; Hetu; Lai's Taiji; Wuyin; human hearing; music therapy.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCIH.2015.069792
International Journal of Computers in Healthcare, 2015 Vol.2 No.2, pp.121 - 130
Received: 24 Apr 2014
Accepted: 02 Mar 2015
Published online: 11 Jun 2015 *