Title: Identifying objectives for sustainable stormwater management in urban Indian perspective: a case study
Authors: Nivedita G. Gogate; Pratap M. Raval
Addresses: Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Pune, India ' College of Engineering, Pune, India
Abstract: During 1900s, the only imperative for stormwater management was removal. With increasing urbanisation and degradation of receiving water quality, however, it has become essential to manage stormwater in a holistic, sustainable way. Yet the various factors in developing countries make the management of stormwater a very difficult task. The purposes of this study are to identify the constraints and problems of stormwater in typical urbanised cities of India. This study also presents a preliminary attempt to define objectives for developing a decision-making system for sustainable stormwater management. Relevant literature for defining the objectives is studied and a case study of Pune city in India has been taken for further analysis. The quantity and quality of stormwater and other related data has been collected to identify the constraints of existing system. Lastly, objectives are defined which could be further used to develop assessment criteria and a decision support system.
Keywords: sustainable management; stormwater management; developing countries; urbanisation; constraints; objectives; sustainable development; syustainability; urban India; cities; case study; decision support systems; DSS; water management.
International Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2015 Vol.7 No.2, pp.143 - 162
Accepted: 02 Mar 2015
Published online: 12 Jun 2015 *