Title: Renewable energy: alternative for the mining industry on the American continent
Authors: Adrian-Bogdan Bădău
Addresses: Economic Department, "Retezat" Technologic High School of Uricani, 16 Republicii St., Uricani, Romania
Abstract: The presence of coal deposits has represented, over time, the main factor of economic, social and infrastructural development of areas holding such reserves. It is estimated that currently the American continent has the largest coal resources, representing at the same time the main producer in this field. Lately, renewable energy tends to gain more and more ground, due to lower cost and due to the fact that the technologies used are less polluting. Considering these aspects, the importance and the share of mining industry in the economic equation of the American continent present abatement tendency. This aspect can be seen as an opportunity to exploit industrial waste resulting from mining activity, as a source of renewable energy.
Keywords: renewable energy; coal resources; industrial waste exploitation; mining industry; mining waste.
Progress in Industrial Ecology, An International Journal, 2015 Vol.9 No.1, pp.2 - 12
Published online: 13 Jun 2015 *
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