Title: Bioeconomic sustainability and modelling energy systems
Authors: Raluca I. Iorgulescu; John M. Polimeni; Mariana Balan
Addresses: Institute for Economic Forecasting-NIER, Romanian Academy, Casa Academiei, Calea 13 Septembrie Nr. 13, Sector 5, 050711, Bucharest, Romania ' Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, OB 210C, 106 New Scotland Avenue, Albany, NY 12208, USA ' Institute for Economic Forecasting-NIER, Romanian Academy, Casa Academiei, Calea 13 Septembrie Nr. 13, Sector 5, 050711, Bucharest, Romania
Abstract: Modelling energy systems in the neoclassical economic approach has been done for many years; however, from the point of view of bioeconomic sustainability, this approach does not measure the true energy costs to society. Problems such as the global energy crisis, energy-efficiency-related issues, CO2 emissions and climate change require alternative approaches, more interdisciplinary. This paper briefly presents some examples of models used to examine energy systems. Jevons paradox and the rebound effect are discussed in the context of energy efficiency and bioeconomic sustainability. The multi-scale integrated analysis of societal and ecosystem metabolism (MuSIASEM) built on the conceptual base of Georgescu-Roegen's 'minimal' bioeconomic programme is introduced as an alternative approach.
Keywords: energy efficiency; sustainability; MuSIASEM; energy systems modelling; energy models; flow fund models; ecological economics; bioeconomics; Georgescu-Roegen; sustainable development; Jevons paradox; rebound effect.
Progress in Industrial Ecology, An International Journal, 2015 Vol.9 No.1, pp.46 - 59
Published online: 13 Jun 2015 *
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