Title: E-governance competence: a framework
Authors: Probir Kumar Banerjee; Louis C.K. Ma; Ronnie H. Shroff
Addresses: Dept. of Computing, Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak 93100, Malaysia ' School of Continuing and Professional Education (SCOPE), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong ' Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Abstract: While there is abundance of research on e-governance readiness and convergence, there is lack of research and theoretical understanding of competencies that governments must have to develop and deploy effective e-services and ensure usage of the deployed e-services in a manner that leads to effective e-governance. In this research, we draw from business/IT alignment framework, innovation literature, and coordination theory and propose a framework of e-governance competence that highlights the importance of technical and administrative alignment capability at strategic and operational levels for effective e-governance. We validate the proposed model in the context of immigration-related e-services provided by the Hong Kong SAR, P.R.C. The theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
Keywords: e-governance; e-government competence; technology capability; administrative capability; coordination theory; business-IT alignment; smart card technology; e-services; electronic governance; electronic government; electronic services; online services; innovation; Hong Kong.
Electronic Government, an International Journal, 2015 Vol.11 No.3, pp.171 - 184
Received: 13 Apr 2013
Accepted: 05 Aug 2014
Published online: 27 Jun 2015 *