Title: Coordinated actions in the field of financial education as a new approach to improve financial literacy
Authors: Bożena Frączek
Addresses: Department of Banking and Financial Markets, University of Economics in Katowice, 40-287 Katowice, ul. 1 Maja 50, Poland
Abstract: The level of financial literacy is very low in the world. Many undertaken initiatives have not brought the expected results. Finding the more effective way of financial education is very important to society and its financial well-being. The question is what should be changed in the existing financial education processes to achieve more satisfactory results. In this paper, an educated guess is tested that coordinated actions in financial education are very good solution. National strategies on financial education: national strategies; NS - the OECD idea, which assumes coordination of efforts in every stage of financial education, inspired the idea. The literature review as well as an analysis of non-academic documents aroused the author's interest and prompted the research of the examples of coordinated initiatives in financial education described in literature, in terms of their future use in order to increase the efficiency of financial education.
Keywords: financial education; financial literacy; national strategy on financial education; coordination of actions.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2015.070318
International Journal of Business Excellence, 2015 Vol.8 No.4, pp.514 - 535
Published online: 02 Jul 2015 *
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