Title: Methods used for evaluating irreversible Brayton cycle and comparing them
Authors: Gülcan Özel; Emin Açıkkalp; Hasan Yamık
Addresses: Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Bilecik S.E. University, Bilecik, Turkey ' Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Bilecik S.E. University, Bilecik, Turkey ' Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Bilecik S.E. University, Bilecik, Turkey
Abstract: In this paper, different thermodynamic optimisation criteria were performed for the irreversible Brayton cycle to determine the most effective method. The work output, efficiency and entropy generation of the cycle are determined. Next, evaluating criteria are calculated to assess performance of the irreversible Brayton cycle. The results show that at maximum ECF value, efficiency is higher and entropy generation is lower than maximum work criteria. But work output is lower about three times than maximum power criteria. EECF, MAW and EPC have no maximum for the operating conditions used in the analysis. Additionally ECOP and ECF have maximum values at the same point.
Keywords: thermodynamic optimisation; optimisation criteria; irreversible Brayton cycle; ecological function; work output; efficiency; entropy generation; performance evaluation; maximum power.
International Journal of Sustainable Aviation, 2015 Vol.1 No.3, pp.288 - 298
Received: 15 Sep 2014
Accepted: 13 Nov 2014
Published online: 03 Jul 2015 *