Title: Entransy analysis for irreversible gas power cycles with temperature-dependent specific heat
Authors: Emin Açıkkalp; Hasan Yamık
Addresses: Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Bilecik S.E. University, Bilecik, Turkey ' Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Bilecik S.E. University, Bilecik, Turkey
Abstract: Because of the energy needs of the world and the problem of global warming, developing more efficient power cycles has become an obligation. In this paper, concepts of entransy dissipation, entropy generation, power output, exergy output, energy, exergy efficiencies for irreversible spark injection, compression injection engines and irreversible gas turbine cycle are applied for their analyses. Optimum values were determined using compression and pressure ratios. A model was developed for the specific heat of the working fluid that depends on temperature to obtain more explicit results. The numerical results are presented and optimum values are defined for the cycles. Finally, suggestions regarding the design and operating conditions for the cycles are presented.
Keywords: entransy analysis; entransy dissipation; entropy generation; exergy analysis; internal combustion engines; IC engines; gas turbine cycle; irreversibility; gas turbines; power cycle efficiency; power output; exergy output; energy efficiency; exergy efficiency; compression ratios; pressure ratios; modelling; temperature.
International Journal of Sustainable Aviation, 2015 Vol.1 No.3, pp.245 - 268
Received: 26 Jan 2015
Accepted: 13 Apr 2015
Published online: 03 Jul 2015 *