Title: A technology management strategy selection method for firms in joint venture partnerships
Authors: Dilupa Nakandala; Henry Lau
Addresses: School of Business, University of Western Sydney, Locked Bag 1797, Penrith NSW 2751, Australia ' School of Business, University of Western Sydney, Locked Bag 1797, Penrith NSW 2751, Australia
Abstract: This paper demonstrates how a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process approach can be used to determine technology management strategies for firms in partnerships that result in their sustained technological development. Firms with resource constraints tend to form venture partnerships with technologically advanced partners for indirect strategic benefits. In such partnerships, technology management strategies of host firms need to be manoeuvred strategically as they build local capabilities. Selection of technology management strategy is generally based on subjective judgements that use fuzzy data analysed under multiple decision criteria. Considering the degree of technological contribution from the source firm, technological competency of the host firm, and dominance of the partners as well as the clarity of roles between partners as decision factors, this paper demonstrates how to determine the optimal technology management strategy. The different technological stages of a real firm are analysed in order to illustrate the application of the proposed approach.
Keywords: technology management strategies; technology transfer; technological capabilities; foreign direct investment; FDI; joint ventures; fuzzy expert systems; analytical hierarchy process; AHP; fuzzy logic; technological development; joint venture partners; partner roles; technological competency.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMDM.2015.070737
International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 2015 Vol.14 No.2, pp.112 - 129
Received: 17 Sep 2014
Accepted: 04 May 2015
Published online: 22 Jul 2015 *