Title: The strategic development of manufacturing SMEs: patterns, antecedents, and performance outcomes
Authors: Louis Raymond, Josee St-Pierre
Addresses: Titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada sur la performance des entreprises, Departement des sciences de la gestion, Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres, 3351, boul. des Forges, C.P. 500, Trois-Rivieres QC G9A 5H7, Canada. ' Titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada sur la performance des entreprises, Departement des sciences de la gestion, Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres, 3351, boul. des Forges, C.P. 500, Trois-Rivieres QC G9A 5H7, Canada
Abstract: Now that they are facing global competition and increasing demands from major customers and prime contractors, many manufacturing SMEs feel the growing pressure to develop their organisation and become world-class enterprises. An empirical study of 201 Canadian manufacturing SMEs was designed to answer the following research questions: What is the relationship between levels of network development, market development and product development? Are there patterns or types of strategic development that characterise certain manufacturing SMEs? What is the impact of the entrepreneur on his or her firm|s level of strategic development? What is the impact of strategic development on enterprise performance?
Keywords: strategic development; manufacturing SMEs; innovation; R&D; research and development; internationalisation; exports; network development; market development; product development; performance; Canada; entrepreneurship; enterprise performance; organisational performance; growth strategy.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2005.007087
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2005 Vol.2 No.4, pp.377 - 391
Published online: 24 May 2005 *
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